About Dr. Julie Goldenson

Dr. Goldenson has expertise in a wide range of forensic assessments and is frequently retained for civil, criminal, and other medico-legal referrals. Forensic evaluations demand a non-partisan approach, and her work is objective, thorough and evidenced-based. She works in an efficient manner and typically produces her reports within two weeks of the assessment date. She is committed to staying current and actively publishes and teaches in the field. Her CV is available upon request.
Forensic Psychology involves the interplay between psychology and the law. Forensic psychologists are sought to provide opinions in civil, criminal, and other medico-legal and quasi-judicial matters. For example, forensic psychological evaluations are frequently requested in civil litigation cases to render expert opinion about psychological injury, and in the criminal realm evaluations often play an integral role in decisions about sentencing and release. Unlike forensic psychiatrists, forensic psychologists often use psychological testing to support their findings and to assist in answering complex legal questions.
Approach to Assessment
Consistent with best practices, Dr. Goldenson triangulates assessment data from multiple sources (self-report, collateral records, behavioural observations, and psychological testing/forensic assessment instruments as needed.) In an effort to maximize objectivity, her reports typically identify and consider data that support or may not support her findings. When such discrepancies exist, these are carefully explained, so that the evidentiary basis for her opinions are clear. Dr. Goldenson takes a trauma-informed approach to assessments, meaning she strives to conduct assessments in a sensitive manner that respects evaluees’ dignity. She provides feedback to evaluees when this is deemed desirable and appropriate by the referring party.